Clinical Workflow
MAXIMS Clinical Workflow combines the use of Integrated Care Pathways, Task Management, Care Bundles and Clinical Noting solutions to support best practice alongside functions that support quality improvement goals such as VTE and Dementia worklists and eDischarge.
Our clinical workflow supports clinicians by enabling them to remain with the patient in the care setting entering data at the point of care using our innovative mobile apps.
Clinical Noting
Our innovative Clinical Noting App supports clinicians in both the outpatient and inpatient clinical workflows these include clinical noting templates and workflow which can be configured per Service.
The enhanced Smart Forms provides our customers with the capability to create risk assessments for multiple settings and specialties that enable intelligent data collection using scoring for risk assessments, utilise known patient attributes save time completing forms.
Order Communications
The MAXIMS Order Communications and Result Reporting (OCRR) System provides a safe, powerful and effective platform for electronically ordering and viewing results. Diagnostic tests and treatment services can be ordered instantly, eliminating the delays, bottlenecks and errors of paper-based systems. A scalable, web-based solution, it has been implemented on single sites and distributed multi-site organisations and is accessible across the entire EPR system.
MAXIMS EPMA module supports the entire trust-wide electronic prescribing and medicines management process. It expedites the whole patient journey from pre-admission medicines history to discharge medications for inpatients, outpatients and day cases.
eObs, as part of our innovative suite of mobile applications, includes early warning protocols such as PEWS, MEOWS, and full NEWS2 compliant mobile observation recording that enables easy identification of deteriorating patients and provides task management and automatic escalation pathways direct to the appropriate clinical team members. eObs can also integrate with patient monitoring devices enabling vital signs direct to the eObs app.
Our eWhiteboards app enables our customers to electronically record key information relating to a patient’s hospital stay and discharge planning on a mobile, handheld device. Information that can be recorded includes key actions for discharge, Multi-Disciplinary team actions, safe care level, Transfer suitability and Falls Risk.
Our mHealth Theatres app provides Clinicians in a Theatre setting with the ability to maintain the safety of surgical patients in the perioperative period. Checklist templates manage all aspects of the patient’s surgical journey from pre-operative checklists through to WHO surgical safety checklist, stop before you Block and the Safety Debrief.
Hospital @ Night
H@N is an integral part of our suite of mobile apps that allows our customers to manage their Hospital at Night service by providing the ability to raise tasks via mobile devices for patients who require interventions during the out of hours period.
Tasks raised can be managed by a coordinator who can allocate tasks to the hospital at night team and manage those tasks through to completion.
Task Management
Visibility of tasks whilst supporting clinical best practice.
Tasks are allocated and referred automatically to the relevant Clinical Team who receive a notification that they have an outstanding task.
Promotes best practice and drives efficiencies in patient care.
Care Bundles
Care Bundles enable a package of evidence-based interventions to be created which improve patient outcomes whilst providing clinical guidance for multi-disciplinary teams. Further functions include task management, structures clinical noting (including patient assessments) and the ability to order configured pathology items.