Our eWhiteboards app enables our customers to electronically record key information relating to a patient’s hospital stay and discharge planning on a mobile, handheld device.
Information that can be recorded includes key actions for discharge, Multi-Disciplinary team actions, safe care level, Transfer suitability and Falls Risk. Patient information can be updated on a mobile device by the nurse or HCA at the bedside during their care for the patient and the updates appear simultaneously on the main whiteboard monitor by the nurses station.
Board rounds are supported with the ability to view and record discharge planning data when undertaking the board round. The ward staff are supported with several widgets detailing Bed State, Safe Care Level, and MDT referral status for physio and occupational therapy.
Provides a system to identify discharge when patients are not medically fit to leave hospital
Provides a continuously up to date view of all patients within the selected ward or department
Improves early detection, timeliness of response, and competency Displays taken directly from the patient’s electronic record, including clinical alerts, care level, safe care level, length of stay and estimated discharge date