IMS MAXIMS has extensive experience in migrating data from legacy systems into MAXIMS.
It is vital that data migration is given a high profile from the outset. With early engagement and early agreement to data migration specifications for each data set we can eliminate any risk this stage of the project may present.
Data Migration should not be viewed as simply a technical task. Data migration will also go through a clinical safety review and be signed off by the joint Clinical Safety Group as being clinically safe.
We have an established approach to data migration with prominence given to the testing of migration scripts and migrated data against all workflows including data variations and the validation of data quality Our data migration includes several cycles of data migration test loads to provide assurance that process is clinically safe. Data that is sourced from the legacy system is put through a series of transformations and data quality checks to confirm that it meets the necessary migration criteria for MAXIMS database tables
We have a flexible approach as to who is responsible (Customer, 3rd Party or IMS MAXIMS) for producing the data extracts in the requested format, in accordance to a series of Data Extract Specifications provided by IMS MAXIMS.