Through our history at IMS MAXIMS we have witnessed the lack of an integrated care record across care settings.
This is mainly due to the silos of significant clinical information residing across several systems that results in significant barriers to the delivery of optimal care due to a lack of a single longitudinal patient record.
Interoperability is imperative to the safe, efficient, patient outcomes to patients across health economies. IMS MAXIMS are widely recognised in the industry as advocates for the use and adaption of open standards across Health and Social Care and were one of three founding members of INTEROPen. We embrace and continue to build out our platform based on open standards (IHE, CDA, FHIR, HL7 etc) with a strong emphasis on patient-centric APIs. By providing an open API approach in our platform we are empowering healthcare organisations by enabling the seamless and rapid exchange of healthcare information between systems across Health and Social Care.
MAXIMS provides an open interoperability platform that provides seamless and full integration with all relevant third-party systems. Our corporate policy is to provide comprehensive integration capabilities based on relevant and open standards wherever possible, both as a service and within our products.
Our interoperability platform supports all open standards including comprehensive HL7 based online messaging and Open APIs that enable workflow integration.
Our comprehensive open API (including FHIR APIs) is also available that enables customers and/or 3rd parties to create or link applications to MAXIMS with full (but managed) real-time access to the majority of EPR data. This unlocks the patient data such that it can be accessed and used by a wide range of actors across the local healthcare economy. The API is bidirectional and can be used to capture and upload new patient data into the EPR as well as for more passive applications like portals.