The MAXIMS EPMA Solution
MAXIMS EPMA module supports the entire trust-wide electronic prescribing and medicines management process. It expedites the whole patient journey from pre-admission medicines history to discharge medications for inpatients, outpatients and day cases.
Designed from a clinician viewpoint, this powerful web-based clinical workflow solution gives the user an intuitive, easy to follow system that reflects daily practices and significantly eases adoption, encouraging user engagement. Unlike some ePMA solutions, that have been adapted from pharmacy stock management systems with rigid underlying architecture, the MAXIMS EPMA flexibility can be aligned to support a wide variety of clinical roles and care locations.
Medicine History
Inpatient and Outpatient Prescribing
A smart and ergonomic view is available for doctors while prescribing
Extensive functionality for clinical pharmacists
Effective management of pharmacy technicians’ tasks
Intuitive administration chart for nursing staff
Integrated Care
MAXIMS EPMA is fully interoperable with any hospital information system such as EPR, PAS, ADT (Admission, Discharge and Transfer) applications, Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS), Nursing systems, Vital Sign systems and even incumbent Pharmacy Stock Management systems.
So, all users can view the latest, single version of the patient’s medical record from wherever they are in the hospital. Discharge medications can be exported directly via Electronic Discharge Summaries (EDS) to inform GPs of treatment regimens, avoiding transcription errors and delays, and ensuring continuity of care.
Web Based Usability
The implementation of ePMA is seen as the tipping point for full clinical commitment to electronic patient records as it is the fulcrum to virtually all clinical care activities. It is essential to support the way clinicians work if we are to get buy-in. ePMA cannot be just an add-on. MAXIMS EPMA is a clinician-led, electronic prescribing and medicines administration solution that provides day-to-day easement of clinical duties, increased operational efficiency, improved patient safety and accuracy of care. MAXIMS EPMA provides rich functionality no matter what your EPR plans are.
NHS DM+D Standards
MAXIMS EPMA module comes with the NHS dm+d (dictionary of medicines and devices) catalogue as native. This, now mandated, standard ensures the safe and reliable transfer of medicines information between different clinical systems. It supports all levels of prescribing – through ingredient, generic product or brand. This, together with in-built SNOMED CT coding (the standardised clinical terminology used by physicians for diagnoses), ensures the clarity of all patient ailments and treatments throughout the care continuum.
Formulary Management
The system is fully compliant with both Hospital and Ward formularies allowing only those drugs that are available, or preferred, to be prescribed. With its in-built functionality, MAXIMS EPMA prepopulates prescribing templates with the drugs needed for a specific diagnosis to streamline and validate treatment protocols.
Drug combinations and dosages are often used to treat complex conditions such as diabetes. MAXIMS web based EPMA module is a total prescribing solution that supports the user through this multifaceted and sequentially timed drug administration process. It gives clinicians effective decision support and access to full and complete information at the point of care – such as lab results and reference information – to ensure accurate and safe medicines management.
Change Management
Implementing a hospital-wide system demands huge changes in working practices and systems knowledge. To ease this, we offer proven change management assistance to ensure you make the most of the challenges you will face – whether procedural, human, interoperability or system-based.
Designed by Clinicians
The implementation of ePMA is seen as the tipping point for full clinical commitment to electronic patient records as it is the fulcrum to virtually all clinical care activities. It is essential to support the way clinicians work if we are to get buy-in. ePMA cannot be just an add-on. MAXIMS EPMA is a clinician-led, electronic prescribing and medicines administration solution that provides day-to-day easement of clinical duties, increased operational efficiency, improved patient safety and accuracy of care. MAXIMS EPMA provides rich functionality no matter what your EPR plans are.