Resource Management

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Our MAXIMS PAS and EPR solution sits at the heart of the organisation supporting the efficient & effective delivery of patient care. 

MAXIMS offers a comprehensive solution providing resource management and tools to help maximise the effective utilisation of resources for your organisation. When planning an implementation of MAXIMS, where required. we have significant experience and are happy to integrate to specialist systems like ERP, CRM or Accounting packages to offer you the best financial insights to manage your business.


Comprehensive clinical capability integrated to resource management and finance systems

Integrated solutions avoiding the use of spreadsheet and resource hungry reconciliation


Supporting capture of all required data to support billing from tariff-based allocation through to granular patient level costing and pricing

Flexibility to work with existing infrastructure and solutions to capitalise on current investments


Informing supporting solutions to aid the effective management of consumables

Real-time operational insights to maximise efficient utilisation of Operating Theatre and Outpatient sessions