Public Sector
Leveraging our extensive track record in working with public sector organisations across the UK and Ireland to provide you with the tools to streamline your clinical and business practices.
An intuitive, flexible and scalable solution supporting you to provide quality integrated care across the enterprise
Maintaining continuity of care, improving clinical workflows and preserving patient flow
Whether it’s the NHS Long term plan in the UK or Slaintecare in Ireland, the direction of modern healthcare is headed towards providing more integrated care across the community and hospital settings.
One of the key challenges is in maintaining a good continuity of care across the multi-disciplinary team (MDT) and across multiple different clinical settings. Fortunately, this is where IMS MAXIMS shines.
The clinical and organisational value of patient information
Accessible, comprehensive and delivered in real-time
Public sector organisations are under growing pressure to cope with an ever-increasing demand on their services. Many providers understand the need to move away from paper led processes and embrace digital transformation, in order to provide more efficient ways of delivering high quality care at scale. Spanning multiple locations, departments and users (and often 24/7), it is vital that patient information is readily accessible whenever and wherever it is required.
This all needs to be done whilst prioritising patient safety and maintaining robust information security practices whilst at the same time allowing end-users swift and remote access to information across multiple care settings and improving the patient experience. Having an intuitive single point of access to review, handover patient information and manage patient flow is critical to ensure that quality, productivity and efficiency is optimised across the enterprise so that favourable outcomes in-line with best practice (such as CQC ratings and compliance with national standard objectives) are achieved.
Clinically optimised
One platform supporting a diverse set of clinical users
The workflow of clinical users varies between sites, departments and roles. IMS MAXIMS is developed by clinicians for clinicians and through our public sector customers, we have continued to refine our expertise through first-hand expertise to support public sector organisations to accommodate a diverse range of clinical users.
Any patient’s previous medical history can be easily viewed and added to through our Clinical Workflow and Clinical Noting tools and care provision can be utilised on any mobile device across the organisation. Smart Forms allows patient information to be accurately documented and shared across multi-disciplinary teams providing integrated care across your organisation.
MDT co-ordination
Care planning at scale
Patient arrival and triage is managed within a single system regardless of route (walk-in, referral or ambulance) and bed management and tracking capabilities are built in from the start to allow demand and capacity planning measures.
eWhiteboards allow for multidisciplinary planning and the efficient transfer of care to specific professionals or teams or to subsequent providers (primary care, community and mental health care or internal referrals to specialty teams in the hospital) and the ePrescribing module allows for a safe, auditable medicines management process that can help drive transformational goals including improved medicines reconciliation and sepsis management.
With medical records provided through a single point of access, information becomes available and accessible at the right place at the right time to inform clinical and administrative decision making. This contributes to efficiencies at scale that contribute to a smooth flow of patients in and out of the hospital supported by well co-ordinated discharge pathways (e.g. including the appropriate management of clinical reviews, discharge medication and discharge summaries).
The platform can be configured to support any national reporting requirements at scale (such as the NHS ECDS or HIQA standards in Ireland) and any local or regional data sets can be captured to help drive local initiatives and support clinical audit and research.
Cost savings
Better resource management
IMS MAXIMS supports the integrated capture of clinical coding, consumable usage and departmental utilisation information to financial systems of choice to help you improve efficiencies, reduce costs and optimise the management of resource across the enterprise. Reporting and analytics tools enable organisations to predict demand and capacity requirements and balance them with their resource needs.
Maintaining best practice
Comprehensive auditing capabilities
IMS MAXIMS is fully interoperable with eRS, PDS, scheduling, outpatient, order communications, onward referrals and results reporting. Leveraging the reporting dashboard, data insights and analytics features allows providers not only to review clinical care at an individual level, but also at a departmental or organisational level to ensure that they remain on target with scalable outcomes at the population health view.
MAXIMS Independent EPR was originally developed to provide a safe, paperless, clinical record supported by a comprehensive patient management solution.
This positively impacts patient experience, delivers a single patient record for use by clinicians and administration staff and allows business managers to identify economies. A scalable, proven paperless solution design by clinicians for clinicians with rich clinical functionalities.
Patient Administration
Patient Administration Systems (PAS) is at the core and provides the foundation of any electronic Health Record (EHR). Our MAXIMS PAS is secure, utilising locally configurable role-based permissions sets to make information available only staff authorised to see it. Our solution also provides enterprise-wide scheduling and is fully interoperable with all the key departments like outpatient, therapies and theatres. The solution fully supports eReferral Service (eRS) and the Patient Demographic Service (PDS) as well as locally configurable referral to treatment (RTT). Although MAXIMS PAS can be implemented and used as a stand-alone solution it is a fully interoperable component within the MAXIMS EHR which include mobile.
Electronic Patient Record
MAXIMS EPR was originally developed to provide a safe, paperless, clinical record supported by a comprehensive patient management solution. Our solution is used widely in the NHS in the UK, the HIE in Ireland as well as Independent hospital groups or private hospitals. Our EHR was designed to deliver paper-lite end-to-end care and administration for patients. We use digital solutions to solve challenges to automate or improve the capture and display of relevant information wherever its needed. MAXIMS provide a comprehensive clinical and administrative solution suitable for use in a variety of care setting from a departmental level to a group of hospitals. The MAXIMS team are also expert at delivering integration allowing customers the choice to capitalise on past investment or support the clinician's choice of specialist system.
Delivering care is all about the patient and allowing the clinician the opportunity to interact, focus and then easily record their findings, interventions or treatments. Technology can then be applied to turn unstructured text into structured text which in turn can be coded removing several steps from current processes. Allow the clinician to focus on patients, automating processes and making information available when and where it’s needed highlight some of the clever ways the MAXIMS team use modern technology to support clinicians in ways that make a difference releasing time to care.
Knowing what has happened within your organisation if often the first wish for CIO’s managers and executives. Understanding that in real time using reports or dashboards is often the next but to be able to predict demand to support planning and resourcing has to be the ultimate goal. MAXIMS has several features which supports these objectives making all information recorded within the MAXIMS database available at the touch of a button. Our team will advise how you can achieve real time repotting without compromising performance and to be honest, the rest is only limited by your imagination.