At the core of the MAXIMS platform is our patient administration solution that provides extensive patient management functionality.
It is a modern true web-based application, thus supporting new models of care and enabling access from the point of care, our solution provides the spine from which MAXIMS supports efficient clinical workflow and a comprehensive electronic patient record.
The MAXIMS Patient Management solution provides an open integration platform supporting your electronic patient record through the addition of fully integrated additional MAXIMS modules or through the integration of 3rd-party 'best of breed' modules.
The MAXIMS platform provides non-proprietary integration capability including FHIR based Open APIs and full bi-directional HL7 messaging.
The modern web-based platform provides all key PAS functionality in a modular fashion and is fully compliant with the NHS PDS service and electronic referrals.
MAXIMS provides a rich range of patient management tools including:
1. PMI – PDS compliant
2. eReferrals
3. Outpatient scheduling - Appointments
4. Theatres scheduling
5. Inpatient Admission, Discharges & Transfers (ADT)
6. Referral to Treatment (RTT) pathway management
7. Clinical coding
8. Standard HL7 bi-directional messaging
9. Bed Management / Flow / Dashboards
10. Emergency Department
11. Informatics Reporting and Dashboards