IMS MAXIMS Sexual Health solution PreView included on the NHS London Procurement Partnership Clinical Digital Solutions Framework

We’re delighted to have been successful in getting our sexual health system, PreView, included on the NHS London Procurement Partnership (LPP) Clinical Digital Solutions Framework (CDS) as a Specialist Clinical Systems solution. This enables potential customers to purchase PreView either through a Mini Competition or Direct Award.

The CDS framework is based on suitability experienced, capable, qualified and resourced suppliers available for use by NHS trusts, foundation trusts, clinical commissioning groups, GP federations and other health and social care providers within the UK and Northern Ireland, as well as local authorised and other third sector organisations.

The MAXIMS PreView solution is a unique browser-based, multi-disciplinary and cross community solution for sexual health services based in both primary and secondary care. It is well-established in GUM, HIV and family planning clinics around the UK.
PreView offers appropriate technologies that take effective patient management to a new level, providing true decision support and clinical governance alongside direct online patient access to services. An excellent way to manage all a clinic’s functions and can run independently or be linked to a PAS. It can be linked to systems for ordering pathology tests and receiving results.


We’re pleased to give access through the CDS framework for NHS trusts to procure PreView in a quick and efficient manner. PreView is one of the leading sexual health solutions in the UK and is used in leading sexual health clinics such as Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
— martyn dadds, partnerships and contract director
Jessica Buswell