Mental Health
Helping you to provide integrated care to support patients with their mental health across the various community and inpatient settings.
We have a comprehensive understanding of the challenges involved with providing Mental Health Services
Holistic, collaborative and complex
Mental health is frequently overshadowed by physical health care, despite repeated demands for parity of provision and support. It is widely accepted that physical health problems significantly increase the risk of poor mental health, and vice versa.
Mental health services often deal with complex patients with a range of physical, psychological and social difficulties. Care is often provided across numerous community settings (including at home) as well as within inpatient settings (both in physical health and mental health departments), and often requires close working with a number of other agencies such as social services, particularly for vulnerable individuals and children requiring safeguarding. Other agencies that also require collaboration with include alcohol and substance misuse services, occupational health, police, housing and legal services.
Managing risk in the modern age
Embracing new models of care
Recently, the latest NHS policies have strived to address the inequality compared to physical health by reaffirming the commitment to mental health in the NHS Long Term Plan, specifically to improve physical health and life expectancy by supporting mental health, reducing risky health behaviours, reducing the risk of self-harm and suicide and improving child and adolescent mental health services.
Within these initiatives is an emphasis on new ways of working with a drive to provide more mental health care and psychological support (including self-directed activities) in primary care and community settings, as well as strengthening support for alternatives to admission such as home treatment teams.
The value of patient information in assessing risk
Accurate, accessible and available in real-time
With this increasing pressure to manage more potential risk and uncertainty in the community, it is critical that patient information is accurate, accessible, available and shared in a timely manner so that the required collaboration across multiple agencies can result in safe and effective care.
As mental health deterioration can be unpredictable, rapid, transient and occur out of hours, it is vital that patient information, collateral history, risk assessments and care plans are available whenever and wherever they are required so that services can respond in a timely, consistent and safe manner
Truly integrated care
Comprehensive, mobile ready and auditable
The IMS MAXIMS system provides a series of locally configurable screens that support the processes of managing patients in both a community and an acute mental health setting. For all users in a community and mental health setting regardless of their location, workflow or role, MAXIMS can support a flexible, intuitive way of working throughout the entire patient journey all the way from referral into and discharge from mental health services.
The Clinical Workflow and Clinical Noting functionalities allow clinical stakeholders to review the full patient history in a snapshot, even if they have been seen by multiple disparate organisations. This comprehensive single view of a patient allows patient review and management plan creation to be carried out with confidence that all the pertinent information has been captured and in a timely manner, whether they are in a fixed acute setting, fixed community setting or even on the go via the MAXIMS’ mobile functionality.
Users can easily share updates and patient data across the full breadth of all community and mental health stakeholders. IMS MAXIMS integrates easily with other systems (including social care systems) and is truly interoperable in a clinical context. Reviews, prescriptions and management plans can all be created in the system, expedited to other caregivers and tracked and audited along the way. This means that often-fragmented care pathways and complex referral methods are simplified and made safer and more efficient.
Population health at scale
Powerful and future proof
IMS MAXIMS empowers “smart” ways of care delivery in the mental health setting. Its reporting and analytics functionality allows data insights to be derived at local and regional levels which can help guide system workflow structures, management plan enaction and demand and capacity management. This “future-proofing” of care allows users and organisations to be sure that their EPR can deliver against all healthcare changes in the coming years.
Improved physical health and life expectancy by supporting mental health
Reduced health risk behaviours such as smoking and alcohol misuse
Better educational achievement for children and young adults via the Child and Adolescent mental health services
Reduced risk of mental health problems including self-harm and suicide
Increased skills by focus on occupational therapies and life skills
Reduced anti-social behaviour and criminality
A single view of the patient across all their interactions with all care providers is available
Patient review and management plan creation is more informed, comprehensive, quicker and safer
Management plans can be communicated to other stakeholders throughout the patient journey more readily
Prescribing in the community is safer, more informed and shareable with all relevant teams
Unifying disparate caregivers is made much easier with richer access to patient information allowing for better transfer of care
A full audit trail allows for tracking of care pathways and defining responsibilities
The data analytics functionality allows data-driven alterations to workflows and outcomes
A truly “future-proofed” solution that allows for all ways of healthcare delivery, current and future.